2008 Archived Photos
The 2007 Paddle Ocean Shores event was a great success! -
Volunteers and city employees collect trout from a hatchery and plant them in the waterways, March 2008 -
March 2008, planting the collected trout -
A successful venture -
A hearty “thank you”to a resident who donated a well used pontoon craft to the group. -
Once rehabilitated and modified, it will serve as a work platform. -
Ultimately, this skeleton will turn into a platform for removing overhanging branches etc.
The 2007 Paddle Ocean Shores event was a great success! -
The 2007 Youth Fishing Derby -
was a great success
2008 -
Cardboard Boat Race 2008 -
Paddle The Shores 2008
2009 Archived Photos
2nd Annual Youth Fishing derby
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby -
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby -
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby -
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby -
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby Coast Guard Fly By -
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby -
2009 2nd Annual Fishing Derby
2014 Archived Photos
Folks are seeing the results of the “Name the Canal” contest 2014 -
The first of its kind.Ever! 2014
2015 Archive Photos
2015 Lunker Trout Plant in March -
2015 Lunker Trout Plant in March -
2015 Lunker Trout Plant in March -
2015 Lunker Trout Plant in March -
2015 Lunker Trout Plant in March -
2015 Lunker Trout Plant in March