* OSFWC Status update

From: The Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways Corporation (OSFWC)

To: The Ocean Shores Community

Due to increasing health issues of several of our trustees, in addition to the Coronavirus concerns, we have
decided to suspend all activities until further notice. Although we love serving our community, our energy
reserves are waning. Consequently, the OSFWC is going into “emergency” mode, for now.

If you notice a water hazard (floating logs, wayward docks, dead deer in the water, etc.), please notify us via
email at: oswaterways@gmail.com. You can also contact us via our webpage at
www.oceanshoresfreshwaterways.com (click on the “Main Menu”, near the top of the page, and then click on
“OSFWC Contact Form”).

We will do our best to respond to emergency issues, but no promises.

Stay well, be considerate of others, and consider volunteering your time on a work crew or even as a new
Corporation Trustee.

Thank you,
Bruce Malloy
President, OSFWC