* 2018 Paddle the Shores

Annual Human-Powered Watercraft Race

2018 was the second year of what the Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways Corp (OSFWC) hopes to be an ongoing annual event.

There are four primary races. Entrants use every sort of self-propelled watercraft to include: kayaks, canoes, home-built and commercial-built pedal powered craft, Hawaiian styled outrigger craft and more.

Six Mile Race –

For many of the contestants this is a grueling self challenge, testing both their endurance and skill. The fastest contestants often challenge (maybe even exceed ?) the 5 mph speed limit on the canals. However, these light weight, human powered craft create virtually zero wake, eliminating concerns for wake damage to the fragile banks of the waterways. The racers faces often reflect their intensity.

Two Mile Race

Paddleboard Race

The Poker Run

is the most popular event. It is not a timed event. For many contestants, it provides an opportunity for a less physically intense paddle as well as an opportunity to take home a little cash prize. The course has seven stations scattered between Oyhut boat launch and the Bell canals. Contestants receive a sealed envelope that contains one poker card at each station. Once contestants gather all seven envelopes they paddle back to the start and turn in their envelopes. The judges assemble each poker hand. Best hand wins the prize money.

Dunking Tank

Rubber Duckie Race –

sorry, no pictures. You purchase a batch of little yellow rubber duckies. All entries get put in a big bag, which gets dumped off the bridge. Wind propels the enthusiastic (well as enthusiastic as a rubber duckie can be) contestants towards the finish line. The first duck across wins and its owner gets their share of the pot. My memory is flakey, but I think last years winner took home close to a hundred dollars.

Traditional Cardboard Boat Race

was another big hit – you get two sheets of cardboard, duct tape, a box cutter and a time limit for you and your team to design and build your winning craft. One intrepid member of your team then faces the challenge of a timed race around a a buoy and back to the start. Shortest elapsed time wins the race.

The Ocean Shores Pirates

were on hand to start the big race and “intimidate” the spectators.

Fun was had by all as the many photos will attest to.

We hope to see you at the 31 August 2019 Paddle the Shores Event

It is not too soon to start thinking about and training for the 31 August 2019 Paddle the Shores event. Help us make the coming event the biggest and best yet. Paddle the Shores is an ideal opportunity to visit and enjoy the many weekend vacation opportunities offered by Ocean Shores and especially our 23 miles of Fresh Waterways. Whether you sign up for one of the several races, or simply enjoy a leisurely paddle, or a walk on the beach, Ocean Shores offers abundant wildlife viewing and scenic landscapes. LIFE IS BETTER AT THE BEACH.