The Ocean Shores fresh waterways are a valuable state and city ecological and recreational resource. Joining the Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways Corporation (OSFWC) provides the financial support which enables us to pay boat registration fees and equipment costs that enable our all volunteer board of trustees workforce to help ensure year-round waterway enjoyment.
The Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways organization was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 1991 for the purposes of not only preserving but improving the quality and safety of our various and delicate fresh waterways. This need continues as our environment changes, our population grows, and many more people discover the numerous benefits of our freshwater lakes and canals.
Board of Trustees:
Bruce Malloy-President -
Grant Shaffer-Vice President -
Phyllis Brown-Treasurer -
Lisa Malloy-Secretary -
Richard Wills-Webmaster -
Bob Pfau
Corporation vs Advisory Board
From time to time, a question arises regarding the function and purpose of the Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways Advisory Board vs. the Ocean Shores Fresh Waterways Corporation (OSFWC). Like, what’s the difference?
The Fresh Waterways Corporation (OSFWC) predates the Advisory Board by several years. It was incorporated in 1991 as a non-profit “for the purpose of taking all legal action to improve the quality of fresh waterways in Ocean Shores”. The corporation received 501(C)3 status in 1996.
OSWFC is an all-volunteer, non-partisan organization and engages in no direct campaign activities. We do provide Ocean Shores residents with education, maintenance ideas and assistance, treatment notices when needed, water sampling, special events like Paddle the Shores, removing navigation hazards from waterways, etc. We provide a forum for questions and feedback via Wine & Weeds Annual Meeting, quarterly newsletters, social media, and good old-fashioned phone calls.
The Fresh Waterways Advisory Board was established in the city by Ordinance in 2011. The mission of the board is defined as “to act in an advisory capacity to the city council, the mayor and professional staff of the public works and police departments in the areas of fresh waterways administration and maintenance.”
The Advisory Board members are appointed by the mayor with the consent of the city council. No member receives compensation for his/her services. (See Chapter 2.61 of the Municipal Code.) Board members can also be, and many are, members of the OSFWC.
Trustees volunteering time and energy towards maintaining our fresh waterways
Currently, we 6 trustees volunteer time and (lots of) energy working to maintain the 23 miles of Fresh Waterways in Ocean Shores. If you are interested in helping, please go to the “Contact Us” page and let us know. We will email you a city volunteer form that must be filled out for city insurance purposes. Once completed and turned in, we will let you know when our next scheduled work-party will be.
All of the photos on this page are from 2018 work parties.